Semester 3

Course: Electrical Measurments

Course Code: MKH4
Course Level: Undergratuate
Obligatory/Elective: Elective
Semester: 3
Division: Main Course
Group: Main Course
ECTS Credits: 5
Hours Per Week: 4
Language: Greek

1. Systems of units: International System (SI) and Anglo-Saxon
System of units, measurement standards, electrical measurement
2. Theory of errors: Measurements, errors, accuracy, methods
for the calculation of errors, uncertainties, metrology.
3. Measurement Instruments: Classification, static and
dynamic instrument characteristics, analog and digital
instruments, typical instruments for electrical measurements.
4. Measurement setups and measurement systems:
Capacitors and inductors with losses, ammeters and voltmeters in
measurement setups, voltage dividers, measurement
5. Measurement bridges and balance methods: DC and AC
6. Power and energy measurement in DC and AC circuits,
power measurement in single- and three phase circuits.
7. Static and dynamic sensor characteristics
8. Sensor signal conditioning
9. Electro-mechanical sensors of position, displacement,
force, mechanical voltage
10. Temperature sensors

Learning Outcomes:

At successful completion of the course, student will:
• be able to process measurement data, estimate errors and
present the results with correct statistics
• know the basic operating principles and structure of
electrical measurement instruments, with emphasis on the
modern digital instruments and the differences with the traditional
analogue ones (advantages-disadvantages)
• know the basic electrical measurement setups, the
techniques and the elements used for measurements in the full
range of electrical power
• be able to analyze the basic bridge circuits and calculate
their output voltage
• be familiar with the operation of digital instruments for
electrical measurements, be able to select the optimum sampling
characteristics according to the sensitivity and spectral resolution
sought in each application,
• understand the characteristics of the basic types of
voltage/ current waveforms and be able to measure them
• be able to assess the value of the static and dynamic
characteristics of the common transducers used to measure
physical quantities
be able to use the basic circuits and techniques of supply and
signal processing of electromechanical temperature, and light
General Competences:
• Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information
using appropriate technologies


Electrical Circuits Ι
Electrical Circuits ΙΙ
Discrete Mathematics

Teaching Methods:
Method Description Semester Workload
Lectures 26
Laboratory practice 26
Laboratory assesment written reports 30
Autonomous study 43
Total 125

• Τελική γραπτή εξέταση σε προβλήματα σχεδίασης και επίλυσης
κυκλωμάτων μετρήσεων και στατιστικής επεξεργασίας δεδομένων
και υπολογισμού αβεβαιοτήτων (70%)
• 6 εβδομαδιαίες εργαστηριακές ασκήσεις: Προφορική εξέταση
κατά τη διάρκεια της εκτέλεσης και γραπτή έκθεση επεξεργασίας
των μετρήσεων (30%)

Suggested Books:

1. “Handbook of Modern Sensor: Physics, Design, and Applications”,
Jacob Fraden, 3rd ed., 2004 Springer,
ISBN:0-387-00750-4. Handbook of Modern Sensors |
2. “Sensor Technology Handbook”, editor Jan S. Wilson, 2005
Newnes, ISBN:0-7506-7729-5. Sensor Technology
3. “Transducers and Their Elements: Design and Application”,

Lecturer: Poulakis Nikolaos